Planifiez votre voyage avec nous
Notre objectif est de vous aider à mieux voyager. Nous sommes passionnés par le partage de nos connaissances en matière de voyage et de la richesse de notre expertise.
Conseillers professionnels
Nous avons les connaissances et l'expérience nécessaires pour faire de vos rêves de vacances une réalité.
Meilleur de l'industrie
Nous allons au-delà des attentes pour nous assurer que vos vacances dépassent toutes vos attentes.
Expériences sur mesure
Nous vous faisons gagner du temps et de l'argent en réduisant l'encombrement pour trouver le meilleur rapport qualité-prix.
Notre équipe
Dédié à vous aider à mieux voyager

Cindy Almond
Romance and Foodie Travel is a team of empowered women who help people experience change, through travel. No words or pictures can fully describe the experience of watching the sunset over the Costa Rican beaches, peering into the aqua lagoons of Bora Bora, or watching a lion cub...
- 613-240-5976 | 416-367-8264 poste 2293

Deanna Beatty
Since the time I took my first trip, I became a gypsy at heart. I have a true passion for travel. As I am coming home from a destination, I find myself thinking, “Where can I go next? I was fortunate to grow up in a family where travelling was a priority, whether it was a small f...
- 613-698-8171 | 416-367-8264 poste 2906

Caroline Regimbald
I’ve loved to travel for as long as I can remember. Growing up, I wanted my parents to get married because I thought that it meant I could go on a honeymoon with them! Since that didn’t pan out, I got married in the Dominican Republic and then honeymooned in Cambodia and Thailand...
- 613-223-5061 | 416-367-8264 poste 2162

Vanessa Dewson
I caught the travel bug when I was 13 and travelled to Mexico, Turkey and France within 1 year. My feet haven't stopped itching since. I have been to over 40 countries and lived in South Africa and Mauritius Island. I specialize in African safaris, photography tours (hosted by me...
- 613-859-9584 | 416-367-8267 poste 2651

Isabelle Meduri
My desire to travel abroad and explore new places started at an early age. Over the past 18 years, I have travelled extensively to more than 40 countries experiencing so many unforgettable moments during my journeys across Europe, Asia, Africa, Central and South America. I have v...
- 613-894-8318 | 416-367-8264 poste 2177

Laura Brown
As someone who is always looking for the next adventure, travelling to new places has always been my passion and drive in life. I have traveled through Europe, cruised my way through the Caribbean and hiked through the jungles of Central America. Having lived in Costa Rica for th...
- 613-889-9315 | 416-367-8264 poste 3311

Meghan McGuire
- 613-878-6347 | 416-367-8264 poste 3371

Patti Mann
Disney is my passion. I love assisting my clients with visiting Disney Parks, Disney Cruise Line or any other Disney product. I've personally been to Walt Disney World over 60 times and visited Disneyland, Disneyland Paris and Disney Cruise Line several times. My goal is to t...
- 416-367-8267 poste 2896